.Testimonies from Satisfied Customers using Neu-BeCalm'd

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My Testimony 

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Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeuroGenesis is not responsible for my testimony.
This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian Mathews

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

My daughters is 10 years old, repeating the fourth grade and has been on Ritalin for 2 1/2 years. In September, she started taking Prozac also. All she is taking now is BeCalm'd and it is a miracle.

Two and 1/2 years ago she was diagnosed with ADD. She was struggling in school, had a very bad attitude and every night it took 3 hours to get 30 minutes worth of homework done. It was war every night.

Last year was a little different, it was worse. Her teacher was calling me on a weekly basis, telling me about her smart mouth, hitting other students and being very difficult to teach. She spent a lot of time in the hall doing time outs. She ended up repeating the fourth grade.

This year, even worse. After the first 6 weeks of school the Assistant Principal suggested I take her to a Psychiatrist, because she was visiting the office at least 2 times a week, which I did. The next 6 weeks of school, I was getting two or three phone calls from the Assistant Principal a week. She had detention at least once every other week. She had 1/2 day suspension, 5 times. She had 1 full day suspension. I was going mentally insane myself, trying to fix the problem.

The middle of November, I came across the BeCalm'd advertisement. Trust me, I had done everything I could possibly do. I was up for any suggestions. Prozac nor Ritalin were working. 

She has been on BeCalm'd for 4 weeks, and no more suspensions, no more detentions, and only 1 call from the Assistant Principal to tell me that Heather was doing very good. 

No more fighting about homework, No more arguing with the teacher. It is a miracle in this house. 

We almost ran out of the capsules last week and she started to panic, because even she has noticed a big change. 

We will not leave home without them.

Barbara McComber

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeuroGenesis is not responsible for my testimony.
This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian Mathews

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Adrian Mathews - Country Health Store (503) 353-8968 - PST or Email

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