.Testimonies from Satisfied Customers using Neu-BeCalm'd

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My Testimony 

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Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeuroGenesis is not responsible for my testimony.
This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian Mathews

Behavior and learning problems. (ADHD)

My son recently started pre kindergarten and that was when we first detected that he had a behavior and learning problem I was told over and over that he had Adhd and I had the fear that they were going to automatically put him on a drug and be done with that.

So instead of waiting for them I decided to do some research and I came across this beCalm’d website. And I thought hmm this might be just what we needed. In the mean time his behavior just got worse and worse...

So I decided on ordering a bottle and trying it on him to see if it works...and I got our first bottle and started him on it then after a while I didn't see any improvement then I decided to up the dosage a little and it made him more hyper then I decided since each person is different and bodies are different maybe 3 will help.

And since I started him on the 3 twice a day I have been getting better reports from his teachers. He has a marked improvement in his behavior.

I had to play around with the dosage but finally at the end of the bottle. Something clicked and his behavior at home and at school is much improved.

Tracey M. 

Update - Everything I said was true.. Even today his teachers at Sunday school said that his behavior is improving and am getting better responses from his teachers.. He is still the average 5 year old going thru his phases and such but there is a marked improvement and I am much happy for the product and for your encouragement in not giving up.. Thank you very much.. God be with you

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeuroGenesis is not responsible for my testimony.
This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian Mathews

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Adrian Mathews - Country Health Store (503) 353-8968 - PST or Email

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