.Testimonies from Satisfied Customers using Neu-BeCalm'd
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Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian Mathews
ADD Mom & ADHD Son
My name is Melinda. My story may be similar to millions of others. After high school I was diagnosed with a learning disability and ADD. My 6 year old son was diagnosed with ADHD about a year and a half ago.
I have been depressed for as long as I can remember but never really knew why. An average day consisted of a million things going through my mind at the same time but I never could seem to finish anything I started. I was taking 20 milligrams of mind altering drugs every 3 hours and my 6 year old sons dosage, which he had been on for over a year, seemed to increase with every doctor visit.
One day, the mother of a child in my sons school, told me about a new product she had found and what it had done for her child, who also had ADHD, and her husband. The product was your beCALM'd. I started taking the capsules and I started giving them to my son. Within a week, I was totally off of ALL drugs and I have never felt better in my life.
My son is also off of all of these terrible drugs and his first grade teacher says my sons change is a miracle. She uses him as an example when talking with parents of other children with ADD or ADHD. She herself gives the beCALM'd to her 19 year old son who has had ADD for years and who turned to drugs.
We could not do without this product. It is a miracle for me and my family.
Melinda Williams
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeuroGenesis is not responsible for my testimony.
This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian MathewsHome | Products | Scientifically | Stress | Opportunity | Order Options
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