.Testimonies from Satisfied Customers using Neu-BeCalm'd

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My Testimony 

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Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeuroGenesis is not responsible for my testimony.
This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian Mathews

I have a happy child when he is on beCalm'd.

Another re-order please.  Can you send me three bottles of beCalm'd?  

It is simply the best thing that has ever happened to my son.  His progress on beCalm'd has been extraordinary.  So much so that I assumed that if beCalm'd worked to well ... something stronger and with more amino acids would work even better so I went back on the internet and found some of your competitors and purchased something stronger than beCalm'd (with several more amino acids and a stronger formulation).  

Well, guess what ... it did not work as well and my son had a significant backslide over the past few weeks.  

Last week I put him back on beCalm'd and he's made incredible progress in just that week.  Now I have to undo the damage I did on that other product!  

Thank you so much for this wonderful product.  I have a happy child when he is on beCalm'd.  When he's not ... well, you just don't want to know!    

Anyway, can you please send me three bottles?  You should have my credit card number and address in your records.  If not, please let me know and once again ... an enthusiastic THANKS!    

Maggie Lennon

P.S Please set me up on the Preferred Autoship program. 

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeuroGenesis is not responsible for my testimony.
This is my own Personal Testimony as it is: Adrian Mathews

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Adrian Mathews - Country Health Store (503) 353-8968 - PST or Email

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